BASILEA, 13MAG17, ore 17,00
13. Mai / 17h, Atelier Isabel Bürgin, Klybeckstrasse 14A, 4056 Basel
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Esce il 13 maggio “Structuring the Silence“, il nuovo progetto discografico del duo composto da Sergio Armaroli (Italia) e Fritz Hauser (Svizzera), entrambi compositori, vibrafonisti e percussionisti. Il progetto sarà presentato ufficialmente in concerto lo stesso giorno a Basilea presso “Atelier Isabel Bürgin” (Klybeckstrasse 14A, 4056 Basel).
“HABITAT IN PERCUSSION MUSIC: da un’idea di un “teatro della percussione” come percussion duet. Una ricerca sonora attraverso l’improvvisazione a partire da una una scrittura minima, all’interno di una architettura del vuoto e del silenzio intesa come un paesaggio sonoro quale luogo di ascolto ecologico. “L’esecuzione è intesa come “scultura vivente” in un processo costante di dialogo come una conversazione: percussion conversation.” Sergio Armaroli
“Silence has been an essential element of my percussion playing since the very beginning. Developing sounds out of silence, fading into silence, stopping a cymbal crescendo to let the silence explode into space. These were some of the elements I used a lot, and I still do. Then I met John Cage, who wrote a piece for me. One of his number pieces -one4- , and depending on how you deal with the given elements and performance rules, you end up with a lot more silence than I was used to. Silence that makes you listen, silence that makes you think. Silence that can frighten you, but also silence that gives you peace, and hope… Sergio Armaroli is a percussionist/composer who has given much more than just a thought or two to silence. He has made an extensive research on composing techniques, and improvising concepts. He has explored all possible ways to deal with silence and he has put these reflections into the concept pieces of STRUCTURING THE SILENCE. Playing with him, and creating silence with him was both a pleasure, and a challenge: Silence is an endless ocean, sound is the vessel to travel on it…” Fritz Hauser
Born 1953 in Basel/Switzerland, Fritz Hauser develops soloprograms for drums and percussion which he performs worldwide. Cross-media works with dancer/choreographer Anna Huber, with architect Boa Baumann as well as with director Barbara Frey. Compositions for percussion ensembles and soloists, sound installations (a.o. Therme Vals), radio plays, music for films and readings. In the field of improvised music he has worked together with numerous musicians: Urs Leimgruber, Joëlle Léandre, Marilyn Crispell, Christy Doran, Pauline Oliveros, Lauren Newton, Patrick Demenga a.o. Since the Stockholm International Percussion Event 1998 he has been collaborating with different percussion groups and soloists around the world: Kroumata, Synergy Percussion, Nexus, Speak Percussion, Keiko Abe, Steven Schick, Bob Becker, Michael Askill a.o. Numerous CDs as soloist and with various groups.
La poetica di Sergio Armaroli abbraccia molteplici ambiti espressivi alla costante ricerca di un’unità dell’esperienza. Si dichiara pittore, percussionista concreto, poeta frammentario e artista sonoro oltre a fondare il proprio operare all’interno del “linguaggio del jazz” e dell’improvvisazione come “estensione del concetto di arte”. Concentrato su una scrittura diffusa, consapevole di essere produttore “di-segni”, dove l’invenzione verbale è “gesto poetico”, nella vita è costretto ad uno sforzo pedagogico costante (www.sergioarmaroli.com). Svolge un’intensa attività artistica caratterizzata da un eclettismo stilistico accentuato con una tendenza alla dispersione linguistica come alla rinuncia e ad una forte predilizione per il “silenzio”. Si è esibito in qualità di “attore musicale” e percussionista concreto in prestigiosi teatri e sale da concerto internazionali esponendo come artista in ambito off e sperimentale. Ha al proprio attivo numerose pubblicazioni in campo teorico musicale e poetico. Questo è il suo sesto cd con l’etichetta Dodicilune dopo “Prayer and request” (2010) e “Vacancy in the Park” (2015) con Axis Quartet, “Early Alchemy” (2013) un solo di marimba e “Tecrit” (2014) con Riccardo Sinigaglia (santur elettrico, flauti barocchi ed elettronica) e “Micro and More Exercises” con Giancarlo Schiaffini (2016).
1) Structuring the Silence: part one
2) Structuring the Silence: part two
3) Structuring the Silence: part three
4) From A to G
1) afterSILENCE
2) Impro 1a
3) Impro 1b
4) Impro 1c
5) Impro 1d
6) Iride
7) Impro 2a
8) Impro 2b
9) Impro 3
10) Impro 4
11) Anathem 1
12) Anathem 2
13) Anathem 3
All compositions by Sergio Armaroli except CD2 (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) by Sergio Armaroli, Fritz Hauser (Dodicilune edizioni)
Sergio Armaroli
vibraphone, percussion, glockenspiel, crotales, electronics
Fritz Hauser
drum-set, percussion
Produced by Sergio Armaroli, Fritz Hauser and Maurizio Bizzochetti, Gabriele Rampino, Dodicilune, Italy. Recorded 1 May 2016 at Il Pollaio, Ronco Biellese (Bi), Italy. Mixed and mastered 15 October 2016 at Il Pollaio, Ronco Biellese (Bi), Italy. Sound engineer Piergiorgio Miotto. Photos by Fritz Hauser, Fabio Selvafiorita. Contact: www.sergioarmaroli.com, www.fritzhauser.ch
Total time 54:05 + 56:43 STEREO DDD
(p) 2017 DODICILUNE (Italy)
(c) 2017 DODICILUNE (Italy)